Amelia Review 2020

In the immense world of WordPress plugins, finding what you need for your business can often seem like an almost impossible task, especially when it comes to booking.

In this latter scope, some of them do not even have the functionality necessary to perform the simpler appointment operation, while others, although complete, are difficult to learn.

Here Amelia comes to the aid of small and medium-sized enterprises.

But let’s not get lost in chat and analyze what makes this plugin so efficient and complete.

What’s the Deal

Where to find it: Amelia AppSumo deal | Amelia Website

What is it?
Amelia is one of the most complete booking and client management.

Who is it for?
Thanks to Amelia’s great customization capabilities, this plugin can become a powerful tool in anyone’s hands.

What do we get?
Equal features as their higher paying plan. Each stack adds additional domains (+3 per stack).

What is Amelia?

As anticipated, Amelia is one of the best corporate booking plugins. Its structure allows several people (and therefore a team) to access simultaneously so that they can manage appointments at best. It is a system that is easy to learn but which nevertheless hides powerful tools that will take some time to learn.

Being a WordPress plugin, all this is done through the dashboard of your WP, where you will find all the Amelia settings and tools packaged in a single elegant user interface.

But how can I be sure that Amelia will be able to fully satisfy the needs of my business sector? The Amelia plug-in is born as a totally customizable plugin based on the sector of use.

Do you manage a hotel, a gym, a law firm or are you a freelance? No problem, Amelia will adapt itself perfectly to ALL your needs.

Amelia Features

With the Amelia booking plug-in you can easily customize the management of reservations for your business and at the same time integrate a payment system so that your customers can make payments immediately.

Multiple users and locations

The Amelia management system is truly super flexible and will adapt perfectly even in the event of simultaneous use by multiple users, EVEN IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS.

An easy-to-manage calendar

The calendar, structured in a clear and concise way, is easily available on the main page of the plugin and remains available to all employees both frontend and backend. Do you need to limit access to the calendar for some users? No problem. Amelia, among its many functions, has one of content filtering based on the type of user.

Last but not least Amelia also includes a joint calendar view, so as to allow more users to follow the booking procedure in case of need.

The Booking Interface

But how do I find and edit an appointment among hundreds of them?

Amelia is equipped with a convenient search system capable of filtering all appointments also by time, place and scope.
In this way the user with a few keywords will be able to refine the search and find the desired appointment immediately.

Let’s take the example of a large dental practice.

This particular study may have dozens of doctors on the staff, but I absolutely have to ONLY look for the appointments of some of them. In this case, just refine the booking engine with the names of the dentists I am looking for and BOOM we will have the complete list of their appointments. It may seem like an obvious and obvious function, but we can assure you that many booking plugins are sadly lacking …

Who should consider Amelia?

Thanks to Amelia’s great customization capabilities, this plugin can become a powerful tool in anyone’s hands.
Do you need a complete system for managing your appointments? Consider Amelia one of your number one choices.

Furthermore, we must not forget that behind Amelia there is a development team always ready to support you in case of need. Let’s not forget about free updates too!

Moreover, as already mentioned, the plug-in works with a wide range of companies and sectors such as doctors, gyms and freelancers.

How Much Does it Cost?

The Price is very good, and you’ll get 3 domains for ONLY $49 (single stack)

With every new stack added you’ll obtain +3 domains.

With an excellent value for money and with an enviable list of features, Amelia can be considered one of the most complete booking and client management.

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Amelia Review Card

Name: Amelia

Description: Amelia is one of the most complete booking and client management for WordPress

Offer price: 49+

Currency: USD

Operating System: SaaS

Application Category: Client Management


Amelia is one of the most complete booking and client management.

  • Features
  • Price
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very easy to manage
  • Good graphic
  • A lot of features packed in one single stack


  • Powerful for a lot of things but a bit too basic for others
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