Eyeson Preview 2020

Eyeson is a powerful Cloud-Based Video Conferencing software to help with conference calls, whiteboarding, and presentations. The solution is suitable for business teams (any dimensions) that operate mainly through online communication, especially important under these circumstances.

It provides great features for your daily work routine like: document management, contact index, a very comfortable discussion board, chat, instant messaging and a fantastic recording function that can be used for future playback.

What’s the Deal

Where to find it: Eyeson AppSumo deal | Eyeson website

What is it?
Eyeson is a cloud-based video conferencing software.

Who is it for?
It is suitable for large and small companies and for work groups.

What do we get?
Lifetime access, all future plan updates, GDPR Compliant, 100 Participants per call and so on!

Looking through eyeson

Eyeson is a powerful cloud-based video conferencing solution.

You can create individual rooms for different teams, events, and/or projects. Alternatively, you can contact a single person as in the most common chat software.

You can also share documents, images, video and audio files. As anticipated, Eyeson is also a powerful work material sharing tool which can be integrated with most file sharing systems like DropBox and Google Drive.

Sometimes that may not be optimal, but it gives you a very amazing portability and that is why the deal can be generous with users and operator, I guess. Most of the infrastructure is not theirs to maintain and it is very efficient and robust, so it is a good backbone to have.

But what are the main features of eyeson?

  • On-click Talk
  • A Mainboard for everyone
  • Create meeting rooms
  • Smartphone/Tablet App
  • Live Streaming
  • Recording
  • Multi speakers
  • Screen Sharing
  • File Sharing
  • Call and Video call history

Eyeson AppSumo Deal’s Pricing

According to their Pricing Page, Eyeson base price is $69.

From the basic plan you will have all the features of the software available. However, each extra stack will add Hosts slots (+3 Hosts per stack).

Eyeson Preview Final Thoughts

For many end users of communication software, simplicity is the key word.

Certainly the ability to create real live virtual meetings with large groups of contacts around the world is truly one of eyeson’s great strengths.

Eyeson offers exactly what large and small companies want:

  • A simple and intuitive video conferencing solution with incredible audio video quality;
  • A fully exploited Cloud functionality thanks to the latest RTC technologies;
  • Power, flexibility and ease of use without any compromise.
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Eyeson Preview Card

Name: Eyeson

Description: Eyeson is a Cloud-Based Video Conferencing software.

Offer price: 69+

Currency: USD

Application Category: Video Conference


Eyeson is a powerful Cloud-Based Video Conferencing software to help with hand raise, whiteboarding, and presentations. The solution is suitable for business teams (any dimensions) that operate mainly through online communication.

  • Features
  • Price
User Review
4 (1 vote)


  • Price affordable
  • One click and you are ready to roll
  • HD Quality
  • Recording


  • You cannot share screen and camera at the same time
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