In our Frase Preview we’ll touch a particular part of the content creation: research.
When you’re out there writing something, you really don’t want to write something that’s.. wrong, so before any article you start doing your research, take a look at the various opinions and facts around that particular subject.
It takes hours, sometimes days, depending on the complexity of the subject, and it requires a lot of work and looking around.
Before that, you also need to decide what you’re writing about, what it is you’re going to be helping with your content, and that’s another bit of research.
Now, imagine doing all that within minutes, and having all the resources neatly compiled for you to consume, learn and then write your piece (or just send off to your writer). That sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
That’s what Frase sets out to do.
Jumpstart content writing
I’ve watched the webinar and witnessed one of the biggest AppSumo launches this year, there’s a huge amount of reviews and comments, so this tool has got a ton of traction for sure.
After digging, I can see why: Frase does not set out to replace a content writer with some buzzwords and “AI” to spin content in a different manner, producing lazy and low quality content.
Frase’s team built an amazing technology using AI and NLP so you can see what people look for when searching about your particular niche, and that’s great for ideas: when writing content for your website, it’s always important to understand what people are looking for, what answers they want.
Frase does that by looking at your keyword on Google searches, and also with your Google Search Console, if you have it (and if you don’t, you should), so you can see what people are already looking for when they get on your website, and prepare content if it’s not there already.
After that, you’d normally research about that particular topic, find articles and then get started writing your own article. With Frase, you get all that content neatly stacked in a sidebar within seconds, so you’re free to learn and write.
That’s more or less the main workflow Frase seems to allow. There are more features, but this is what we’re looking for and what we expect to happen.
Frase’s Pricing for the AppSumo Deal
We like Frase’s premise, so it’s now time to look at prices.

There are only two stacks available, with the 2nd stack allowing for unlimited documents vs 30 each month, meaning if you do get use out of Frase, you should just get 2 stacks if possible.
You get 2 more users too, the rest of the features are the same.
One small note about the Answer Engine: That’s a neat chat bot you can use on your website to allow your visitors to get some quick answers about keywords and articles present in your site. It was not initially offered and it is usually their enterprise product, so after giving 100/month to the deal, they’re still in the process of defining how it’s gonna work in detail.
If we look at their website, the 2 stack equivalent (138$) is offered on their website at 199.99$ per month, so the deal price is really quite good.
Frase Preview Final Thoughts
Frase’s core features look too good to be true, and there’s also the added SEO features you get while you write the article itself, so if you write content to answer your clients or visitors’ answers, you will get a lot of use out of it.
The pricing is quite great as well, giving you unlimited documents for just 2 stacks, so you won’t have to worry about limits.
I guess there’s just going to be a Review because there’s no reason not to go ahead and try this out! Expect the Frase Review.
Frase Preview Card

Name: Frase
Description: Frase is an AI-powered tool that identifies the questions your audience is asking and creates detailed content briefs for answer-focused, SEO-friendly content.
Offer price: 69+
Currency: USD
Operating System: SaaS
Application Category: SEO
Frase looks like a dream come true for anyone writing content, and with this AppSumo pricing we just can’t wait to try it out and see how it works.