Ideanote Preview

It took me a second to understand what Ideanote does, or rather, what I think I understand it does. And I kind of had to rush it before most of anything else, just for wanting to try it. So this is a spoiler, but I really want to dive in and try it out!

What’s The Deal

Where to find it: Ideanote AppSumo Deal | Ideanote site

What is it? Idea board to propose, act on and track ideas up until they are live and you can analyze results

Who is it for? Any company looking to drive innovation, any half-mad group of people looking to create and do new things

What do we get? Up to 10 stacks. After 3 you get all the extra features (Enterprise Analytics and SSO). Each stack gives an additional +20 team members, +1 admins, +2 team folders. Ideas become unlimited on 2nd stack, along with better analytics.

Ideanote is our place for ideas development

According to their descriptions, their client are some of the big corporations such as IKEA, and what they do is they allow the creation of ideas associated with some tangible KPI or goal, so that other co-workers and guests can add upon them, interact with them and vote for them.

Once these ideas are developed there is the possibility of adding analytics on how they’re doing and what they’ve brought, whether it’s more visits or more sales, if that was the goal to begin with.

Basically, it’s a post-it on steroids not so much to create and handle projects, but to create and handle ideas, bigger picture kinda thing, not forget them but nurture, take feedback and action and have them become what we’d envision, and see results afterwards.

The concept behind it is beautiful and when it didn’t click in the first place is because this is something I just do not use currently and I can see great potential in just about anything, so that intrigues me!

I cannot go beyond that without using it as I do not really know what I could expect out of this, so can’t know what I need for that to work for me. It’s something we’ll have to see.

Ideanote’s AppSumo Price

I mentioned big companies use this, and price reflects that: it’s not something for the small guys usually. Their regular price begins at 249$/month.

There is some differentiation between stacks, as we can see: 1 stack has limited ideas and basic analytics, 2 stacks get us more team members/admins/folders, unlimited ideas and advanced analytics; 3 stacks gets us Enterprise Analytics and SSO, after that they only increase the capacity.

I cannot be sure whether the 1 stack stats are enough for most or you need more, but beyond that it feels like a very solid pricing for a software so expensive, as long as it fits the use case (or allows us to create a new one!) this can be a great tool to add to our stacks.

Ideanote’s Final Thoughts

I have a very rough idea of what to expect, the software is probably young but reviews are very good, some confused, but good. I believe confusion is just part of what Ideanote brings – something new and innovative, you kind of have to change the way you approach things in order to see its value.

The only thing I’m seeing as a possible “eh” is a lack of documentation, as it seems to be a work-in-progress section on their website, but we’ll see whether there’s a need for one. To access to templates one needs to have an account, so I think it’s one of those things we get to play with and then make our own conclusions.

Regardless, this is something I certainly want to try as soon as possible.

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Ideanote Preview Card

Name: Ideanote

Description: Ideanote is a platform to brainstorm, gather, develop and analyze ideas in a collaborative fashion

Offer price: 59+

Currency: USD

Operating System: SaaS

Application Category: Idea Management


Ideanote brings around a fascinating way of poroposing, handling and delivering ideas in a way that should allow for more, better and more fun brainstorming, without losing out on ideas because you forgot where you hid your post-it with your secret idea or it went unnoticed by others. I am looking forward to trying it out.

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