Masterstack AppSumo Interest List as of April 13th, 2021

It’s been a while! Many tools have come and gone, but there are a few still here and while I’m catching them, I wanted to share a bit of a quick analysis, so that you can check them out too.

I’d like to spend a few words about moving forward: I will keep the global AppSumo Deal up to date. My interest will be shown in the Hype Indicator: NA, Uhm, Maybe, Interesting, Amazing. It’s a blend of how good the tool is during my research and my interest and use case for it. Some tools I obviously am not indicated to evaluate and have no use for, so they’d be “NA”. It doesn’t mean it’s bad, just I don’t think it’s for me.

I will then update with articles on each tool as I explore further and find things out or try them out myself!

Without further ado, here’s what’s getting my interest as of late!


I want to begin with Metabox, as it’s about to leave AppSumo in just a few days and it’s an amazing development plugin for WordPress. It’s a competitor not just to the famous and amazing ACF (Advanced Content Fields) PRO, but of ACF Extended as well, with CPT UI on top.

Metabox allows you to create custom fields, handle them, add fields to already present post types, show them in your website and just a whole ton of other things. To be honest, a good half of ACF Pro/MetaBox features go beyond my capabilities, but I know enough to mark this as an amazing tool. If you do WordPress development, this can be a great asset.


Blogely is a very interesting tool. I’ve kept tabs on it for months while it was on the AppSumo Marketplace, and it was eventually selected to become a deal. Blogely is extremely useful in the initial research part for content creation, and it is well integrated. Interesting, and many people praise it a lot. I’ve yet to try and incorporate it in my writing, but I would be curious to see how it plays out.


Useful tool for digital signatures, some things like a bit too much branding that the client can see are not perfect, but it does seem solid, so I’ll probably look into getting it.


A push notification tool! How interesting.

I do not know too much about push notification tools, but Gravitec seems a solid one, and the stack values are enticing, so I am very much considering adding it to a few websites and see how it plays out.


Antivirus for websites

Heard good and bad things. Overall, security is important and while I am not 100% sure about WebTotem yet, some sort of firewall and antivirus are pretty much required for any web app you have. I do have a few in my arsenal so that’s why I am not sure, but if I had none, I’d be instantly going for it.

Email List Validator

Email List Validations can be expensive, and not pruning your email list can be even more expensive, leading to trouble with your delivery rate as well as eventually bans from your mail provider.

Validating your list is important in any kind of marketing you might do, and this comes off as very convenient, even for just one stack. I do not send that many emails, but depending on how many marketing emails you send, you can go as high as you need to here. Seems very solid all around.

I am not a presentation ninja, some guided and creative help is well appreciated, and this seems to be the tool for that. One stack is all you need, so I’m very interested in it.


A great editor to quickly create amazing ads, both images and videos. That’s all I needed to hear before wanting to try it out. Looks good so far!

Beagle Security

High quality security checks, on demand. A few at a month are available, depending on stacking.

Taking great interest and care in security, I do like to check whether it’s all good. On the other side, when people lack security, this should make it obvious about the next steps to take in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises. In both cases, it seems like a great tool to have.


WordPress to iOS and Android App

Reviews are good, and having an actual app might be good for selected activities. Now, not all WordPress websites make sense as an app, so perhaps this is a bit exaggerated and a proper development would do better, but still, the end result seems good enough. I am not yet convinced here, but still interested.

Squirrly SEO

WordPress and Cloud SEO Plugin

Squirrly SEO seems to have a ton of features.. too many, maybe, for a SEO plugin. I mean, just reading them all makes me pant for air! Me and some friends are testing it out. We do not yet know whether it’s as good as what we currently use, but we’re keeping an eye on it, it seems interesting.

Wp Courseware

This WordPress Plugin has been around for a while. Perhaps it does not have as many features as LearnDash, but it’s solid, it works well and for 3 stacks and unlimited websites you’re spending less than one year of LearnDash. It works well with all of the major page builders too.

WP Compress

WordPress Image Optimization & CDN

I’ve used WP Compress for a long time. Not on all my websites, but I’ve seen it grow. Growth hasn’t been without issues as here and there it hasn’t been perfect, but the support has always been fantastic and the product has improved a lot over time. They do great Image Optimization on the fly or on-site, as well as autoresize, webp and CDN delivery. I like it, so I’m probably stacking it.


Stock Music

Finding good music is always a challenge for videos, and they do have an extensive library, available for one stack. Not much else to say, it’s a great addition.


This tool seems quite complex and I am not really sure I have use for it yet. However, looking at all the people talking about it constantly, I fear I might just be missing something so I am looking into it more thoroughly. I’ll loop back to it next week most likely, but it seems a great tool to watch for.

Keyword Hero

Heard about this tool for a long time, it just got here today and I’m already pretty much taking it out for a spin. The only “eh” part of this deal is that it only covers one project, so if you have many websites you’re working with, you’ll need many codes, regardless of how many sessions per month.

There are also some returning deals! Freshly Improved:


I liked it back then, I still like Linguix. They allowed past deal to upgrade to this current one with a $10 one-off, so that was alright. It does work well for the most part, there’s some recurring stupid suggestions but on the other hand I’ve appreciated some insightful tips.


I’ve liked their past deal and I still like Tyle, so I have good words to say as well as link to the previous posts to check out how it works.

Spott Kickstarter

Interactive images!

I’ve loved the previous Spott deal and stacked a lot of it. I use it in various websites with success, and so I can’t but say good things. This deal is different, but still, it’s a great entry into Spott.

They’ve also recently released their WordPress plugin.


Suitedash is back! Was on AppSumo last year and people have praised it as an all-in-one business tool for agencies: You can have a client portal, project management, CRM, manage invoices and pretty much do everything involving your agency. I do not have it personally, but I’ve been interested in trying it out, and a lot of people seem happy with it. It’s back for a few days, might be worth checking it out.

That Was a Lot

Alright, I’ve gone through most of what I’m interested in right now! I’ll update my interest with more insights and specific tools within the next few days, as I am done with the catch up and it’s time to delve in!

If there’s any particular tool you’d like to know more of, please let me know, too.

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