Tyle Review 2020

I’ve had my eye on Tyle for a Tyle Review and to also possibly use it myself, but time flies by and it’s almost out of AppSumo, so here we are with a Preview + Review all rolled in one, we couldn’t miss this!

So, let’s delve into what Tyle does, its AppSumo offer, we then take it out for a dance and see where we’re at, if we like it!

Tyle Does

Tyle allows to quickly create slides of videos or images, add music and text-to-speech and prepare it in a neat package for us to share and publish on social media or wherever we wish.

It has its own stock of audio, video and images, and we can upload all the videos and images we want. Not audio, because Tyle’s audio library is dynamically synced to our creation, with auto fades and so on, so we can’t just upload our music.

We can add multiple slides to our videos, we can edit each slide and have a color palette that’s shared by all slides if we want to, or we can have each slide on its own as well. It’s up to us, and we are free to edit within limits. We can also quickly shuffle design.

Tyle aims to offer great looking videos to share in social media, made via images and/or videos, made in just a few minutes. That’s our expectation going forward.

Tyle Deal Pricing

We know what it does, let’s see how much it costs and what it offers:

Tyle AppSumo Deal
This is Tyle’s regular pricing

We always get the same features, the only difference between stacks is how many slides we are allowed to export per month.

Before evaluating the pricing further, let’s talk slides:

One video can have many slides, so if we export one video with 10 slides, that’s 10 out of the 500 included for one month with one stack.

If we make small edits on a slide we’ve already exported (below 20% of the slide, I believe), that slide export will not count.

Their own pricing is either Pay-as-you-go or a subscription, and if we take their lowest subscription cost at 24.5$/month for unlimited slides and we compare it with 3 stacks, we can see that by paying for less than one year’s worth of normal subscription, we get unlimied slides lifetime.

The value is clear, if we like the product and have use for it. Also, the price is great on its own without AppSumo deal, which only bolsters the deal itself.

We like Tyle. We already thought so going in, but this only makes it look better for us, so we’ve grabbed a code and proceeded to try it out.

Welcome to Tyle

The interface is quite clear and works nicely for us, we like it. There’s also a Desktop App which works the same as the website, so you can choose whichever you prefer.

Once we are in, we can start creating our slide. Size can be changed anytime we want and the content will dynamically arrange with it, you can then put your own final touches yourself.

Here are a few screenshots to showcase some things here, but I suggest you take a look at the review video for more.

This is the interface to edit each tyle
How layers are arranged

We can press those right menu items to edit each feature and tweak it around what we like:

And also, one more:

With the Shuffle button, you can easily change templates to try out different combinations

Next Step, you click on “Preview” and check out the various music, Text-To-Speech if you need to, and if you like your Preview, it’s time to Export, and you’re done!

Add music from the Preview
Add Text-To-Speech from the Preview

In our own video it only took a few minutes to get a cool looking video out.

Tyle in Conclusion

Tyle promises to quickly make great looking videos with audio and text to speech out of images and videos. It delivers on that promise fully and we can see this produced work as solid and easily used across social media.

It does so at an unlimited slides for 3 stacks, so we’re happy we were able to get this review out as it’s really a good product and it manages to reach a solid balance between cool looking content and ease of use.

We only lack team support to the AppSumo Deal. That’s not available, so you’d need a Tyle account for each person if you want multiple people using Tyle together, and they can share the Tyle link, though I do not know how that workflow works.

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Tyle Review Card

Name: Tyle

Description: Tyle is a video and image editor that enables users to quickly create high-quality social content using stock resources and one's own videos in an easy to use but precise and detailed manner.

Offer price: 59+

Currency: USD

Operating System: SaaS

Application Category: Video Editor


Tyle impresses for its ease of use while at the same time allowing a great deal of tweaks to create content. As with these tools, there is no such thing as perfection, it’s all about finding a balance features and ease of use. Price is really great and allows for flexible use.

  • Features
  • Ease of Use
  • Price
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Easy to Use
  • Great End Results
  • Many features and tweaks possible…


  • … though there’s always that one tiny detail that’s not as we would like. Move on!
  • No Team Plan
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